agosto 30, 2005

¡Tengou Radioubloug Nanañanañana!

Hellou Amigous!!, me estar very very happy...¡Im tener one Radioublog! Uiiiiiii ji ji ji ji ji ji, after de hincharle the balls al jefe del pentagonou para que me haga my propiou radioublog me diou ese gustou and esperou que a todous ustuedes les gouste comou a me. My list of song's is very wonderful, im counfesar algou ¡Im like the coumbia Argentine de lous years 90!, its..its very beautiful ese estilou of music but nou me ourtive, im said to them me dejuaran your favorites song for puner in my radiouglog ji ji ji. Estous soun lous temas que elegi (remember que me nou ser democruaticou sino republicanou ji ji ji):

This is the list elegida by Bren

Bersuit Vergarabuat - Im Tomou
The Morancous - Plume plume Gay

This is the list elegida by Kitou_2k

Beastuie Buoys - Sure Shot

This is the list elegida by Rouchi

Presidents of United States of Ameruica - Peaches
Presidents of United States of Ameruica - Lump

This is the list elegida by Zoumbi

VideouMatch - Gomazou
Grupou Voulcan - Esa Mualvada

This is the list elegida by Vaskua

Thalia - Love a la Mexican
The Eagles - Houtel Califournia
Frank Sinatrua - New York new york
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Sweet Houme Alabuama
Charles Gardel - My Buenous Aires Queridou
Ni se quien lou touca - Canarou in Paris
Juliou Igluesias - April in Portugal
Enrique and Ana - En un Bousque of China
The Clash - Londoun Calling (aprovechou para mandar on saluditou to my amigou touny)

This is the list elegida by Pequenia_Demounia

Bersuit Vergarabuat - Devoulve to Bolsa
The Brujous - Kanishka
The Tipitous - El Huincha Peloutas
Widows and Son of Rock and Roll - Fondou Monetariou International
The Pelots - Capuitan Amuerica
Charles Garcia - Demoliendou Hoteles

This is the list elegida by Crazy Chouchou

The Ghost of Caruibe - Erua tan Beautiful
Gladys "The Bomb" Tucumuana - Soubrevivire

This is the list elegida by Jq

Couldplay - Speed of Sound
The Servant - Cells
The Kuiller - Mr Bush (nou, mentira ji ji ji, Mr Brightside)

This is my List

Coumanche - Tounta
Zapatou Velouz - The Tractor Yellow
La Mark - Quierou Vinou
Brigada Coula - Por Up por down (this song entraroun my marines to irak ji ji ji )
Gladys "The Bomb" Tucumana - La Poullera Amaruilla
Las Pruimas - Saca la manou Antoniou
Charles "The Donkey" Gimenez - What se ha tomadou todo el vinou
Beet Laden - The Gemelas

Lo pueden escuchar my Radioublog Here
ou hacer click in the imagen

A part quierou dejar muchous saluditous to Bill Gates, Augusto Pinochet, Ricardou Lagous and Joaquin que me dejaroun muchous saluditous and tentauivas of coima (excepto Joaquin) ji ji ji. Its that All!!.. esperou, criticuas and congratulations in lous coumentarious, cualquier cosuita mandame one mensajitou ji ji ji. The vinitou is very very grossou! Sabelou!!.
Lo posteó El President Bush